The Association for the Disabled SPES

Seriously ill children - some of them breathing on respirators, some of them living on nutritional support, or requiring 24 hrs medical care - are always a huge challenge for their families. 

Usually one of the parents simply has got to give up the job. In general the social pension in Poland for such people is simply a drop in the ocean, as costs of all such medical services for disabled children are monstrous and refunded only in minimal part. 

The idea of our Maintenance Grant Fund is to support all those, who - for many reasons - are not able to appeal to the public for help; to all those being alone with their problems, suffering and sorrows. Their own individual efforts to collect the funds are usually ineffective, or insufficient, as they lack the skills, knowledge or wide enough social milieu to get funds equal to the task. This is why we are here to support them. 

we bring hope

Every penny counts! So we dare to ask you, and you, and you, and all, to support our idea with a payment to our account. To gain our infinite gratitude it's enough to provide a little sum, or to make a one-time payment. But the best thing you can do for those who are really in need, is to declare even a tiny sum of money but systematically, every month. Don't forget that our…, that your wards would be in need forever. 

make o donation

Bank accounts: 

Bank Pekao S.A. 
ul. Warszawska 8, 40-006 Katowice

Funds for statutory purposes of the SPES Association:
No. 55 1240 2959 1111 0000 3126 0611
Funds for the project "Children's Aid Programme":
No. 80 1240 2959 1111 0010 2904 3289
For international transfers the account number must be entered in IBAN format (i.e. with "PL" at the beginning).

What else you might do for our wards is:

  • To recommend this idea to your family and friends,
  • To „like” our fanpage,
  • To become a volunteer – devote your free time to people with disabilities, take part in the Saturday get-togethers and join the vacation camp,
  • To make use of your business –  Are you a lawyer, a photographer, or a copywriter? You could share your skills with us pro bono,
  • Maybe you have your own ideas about sharing your talents, time, or goods with us?

SPES is a Catholic Public Benefit Organization (charity registered in the Polish National Court Register at the reg. no. 14574) situated in Katowice, ul. Kościuszki 46, tel.: +48322053880, , e-mail: [email protected] 

Thank you from all at SPES Association!  


1 lis
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